Top Tips for Festive Season Sales
Christmas and the days before New Year can become a great time for sales. This year, more shoppers are moving online due to Covid, so eCommerce retailers are now experiencing the most notable sales increases globally.
To take advantage of the new year shopping peak, here are a few key things to do to prepare:
1. Create holiday-oriented deals.
As we know from Black Friday, shoppers love catching a sale year-round. This fact is especially true for Christmas sales and savings, too! It’s essential to recognize that Black Friday isn’t the only time for holiday deals.
To boost your eCommerce sales around Christmas or for New Year’s, you should offer a variety of holiday deals and offers. Your offers could include everything from a discount sale, free delivery or even a bonus gift-wrapping service for holiday orders.
2. Spread the word through social media and emails.
Every retailer will be competing for customer attention during the festive season. To make sure your store is noticed amongst the crowd this year, you will need to spread the word to your customers via social media and email campaigns.
It’s smart to post on social media often to encourage customers to visit your website for Christmas shopping. Similarly, create tailored Christmas emails for this time of year. Get creative with your subject lines to avoid seeming repetitive.

3. Set up targeted ad campaigns.
The festive season is a great time to invest in paid advertisements. If you discover who your ideal customers are during the festive season, you can create well-targeted campaigns to ensure you are reaching the right audience.
4. Manage your customers’ expectations
Nobody wants to be unhappy with a purchase at Christmas time. To avoid this situation, you need to be incredibly clear about your shipping times and order deadlines so that customers will receive their gifts by Christmas.
If you can assure pre-Christmas delivery for orders placed before a specific date, customers will be happy to support your business. Similarly, you may choose to extend your return dates so that customers can stay satisfied after Christmas and New Year’s are over.

5. Maintain customer relationships after the holiday season is over
Regardless of your sales results, it’s essential to follow up with your customers after the holiday season is over.
Staying in touch via social media or email can encourage repeat patronage and develop strong customer relationships well into the new year. You might even be lucky and maintain a post-Christmas sales rush.
With our top tips, you can expect to have happy customers and healthy sales figures this festive season.
Need help setting up for a last-minute year-end push? Contact ShoppingFeeder today to get set up with our multi-channel sales solution.